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Gilmer Independent School District

Excellence | Achievement | Character | Commitment

Nurses Page

Nurse's Page

Health Resources

The goal of Gilmer ISD Health Services is to advance the well being, academic success, and life-long achievement of its students.  We strive to facilitate positive student responses to normal development, promote health and safety, intervene with actual and potential health problems, provide case management, and actively collaborate with others to build student and family capacity for adaptation, self management, self advocacy, and learning.


Nurse Contacts:

District Nurse, Wanda Threadgill, RN – 903-841-7525

GHS Nurse Shai Morris, LVN – 903-841-7505

BJH Nurse, Liz Richardson, RN – 903-841-7605

GIS Nurse, Megan Dorsett, RN – 903-841-7805

GES Nurse, Michelle Carter, RN & Christy Fordham, RN – 903-841-7705

ECC Nurse, Mindy Hamilton, RN – 903-841-7700