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Gilmer Independent School District

Excellence | Achievement | Character | Commitment

Online Volunteer Training

Welcome to the Volunteer Training for Gilmer ISD


Gilmer ISD would like to thank you for being a volunteer.  Volunteers are critical to the success of any organization.  Without your time and energy, it would be difficult to accomplish all of our goals.  Through the volunteer program you have a chance to support your child, your school, and help build a community.  The education and success of our students is possible largely due to the help like yours.  We appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to assist and invest in our students, schools, and community.

Please take a few minutes to go through our Volunteer Policy Training and some brief “Check for Understanding” questions at the end of this online training.

Thank you sign

  • Teacher with hands together•A volunteer is a non-compensated person who donates time in a school, at a school sponsored event, or at an extra-curricular activity.

    •Volunteers provide expertise that can enrich the instructional program, assist teachers and connect the student body with the community

    •Volunteers must adhere to all GISD policies

    •Volunteers include parents, college students, senior citizens, elected officials, business representatives, and community members

  • Teacher reading to students

    •The first role of a volunteer is to provide a positive relationship with the students and staff.

    •A volunteer also helps teachers with non-instructional tasks which allows teachers more time to work with students and plan with others in their department or grade level

    •Volunteers creatively share their talents to support students, teachers, and staff

    •A volunteer’s primary goal is to positively impact student achievement academically, socially, physically, and emotionally

  • Group of people with one fist raisedBefore you can volunteer on the campus, in classrooms,  and on field trips with the school, you must complete a GISD Volunteer Application form

    •indicate which campus(es) you are interested in volunteering

    •check each area you are interested in volunteering

    Once you have completed the volunteer application, you must then complete the online volunteer training.

    •Agree to allow GISD to conduct a Criminal History Background Check

    •The Director of Student Services will be notified when you have completed the volunteer training

    •The campus volunteer coordinator will organize the day/time/event for you to begin volunteering.

  • Girl writing on chalkboard• The most important part of the Code of Conduct is confidentiality.  This includes, but is not limited to, student performance, student behavior, conversations heard among staff, concerns with teachers and staff, incidents with students, health and medical issues, and parent information.

    •Understand that as a volunteer, you are a member of an educational team.  All information concerning children, teachers, and the school is confidential and should remain in the school setting.

    •Volunteers shall maintain the dignity necessary to gain the respect of students and set a good example at all times.

    •Volunteers are prohibited from knowingly communicating with students using any form of electronic communications, including mobile and web applications, that are not provided or accessible by the district unless a specific exception is noted below.

    •Complete and submit a new Volunteer Application each school year

    •Wear volunteer name badge at all times while on campus

    •Agree to never be alone with individual students who are not under the supervision of teachers or school authorities

    •Maintain confidentiality of all student, school, and classroom information

    •Share with teachers and/or school administrators any concerns that you may have related to student welfare or safety

    •Follow the teacher’s instructions about assisting in student learning or the classroom

    •Serve as a role model for students

    •Agree to do what is in the best interest of every child with whom you come into contact

    •Agree to follow the Code of Conduct at all times or risk being dismissed from your Volunteer placement


  • Teacher with kids standing in a group

    • Assist in campus office or library
    • Assist on fieldtrips
    • Assist as a tutor
    • Read to students
    • Listen to students read
    • Serve on district/campus committees
    • Assist with campus night-time activities
    • Assist students with Community Service projects
    • Assist in teacher’s classrooms
    • Door Greeter Program – Assist in designated areas in A.M. drop off or P.M. pick up
    • Serve as a translator for parent/teacher meetings
    • Serve on Booster Club (Athletics; Band; Cheerlearder; FFA; Theatre; ROTC; Drill Team)
    • Extra-curricular Parent Volunteer/Facility Use
    • Campus Visitor
  • Woman standing next to desk smiling

    •As a volunteer, it is important that you know and practices the above Code of Conduct.  It is also your responsibility to know the channels of communication, maintain a caring and professional attitude, be prompt and dependable, and always help keep the building safe.

    •There is no dress code for adults, but you do need to be a good role model and follow the dress code established for staff.  Dress in clothes that promote a safe and respectful learning environment.  No headwear unless for health, safety, or religious reasons.  No bare feet.  Clothing cannot show profanity, obscenity, violence, or symbols of hate.  Clothing cannot promote alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gang colors, or gang related signs. 

    •If  you are unable to fulfill your volunteer appointment, please call the school and let the front desk know.  They will contact the teacher or staff member that you were going to be assisting.

  • Man shaking hands and smiling

    When volunteering, you must always:

    • Check in and out at the front office
    • Wear your volunteer badge
    • Serve as a role model for students
    • Report directly to your volunteer area and remain there until your volunteer time or area is clear
  • Blocks spelling Do

    • Respect teacher schedules. They cannot always talk in the middle of the day.  Check with them when a good time would be to talk.
    • Be a good role model
    • Set a good example
    • Be courteous, impartial, and fair
    • Earn and give respect
    • Follow the teacher’s instructions about assisting in student learning or the classroom
  • Blocks spelling don't

    Do Not:

    • Impose your own religious or political views upon students 
    • Smoke on school property
    • Use and/or sell drugs and/or alcohol
    • Administer medications
    • Supervise a class in the absence of a certified teacher
    • Discipline or directly teach students
    • Establish or make decisions about instructional objectives
    • Photograph, videotape, or tape record events that take place on the campus
    • Set Volunteer schedules or hours without being authorized
  • Congratulations

    This completes your volunteer training.  We now ask that you click on the link below to certify that you have completed this training power point.  You will receive confirmation after submitting your response.  Please make sure your email is accurate so results can be communicated.  Thank you.


    Click Here for Certification